New Approach to a New Year

With a new year always comes the pressure of new year’s resolutions and “new year, new me” statements. But, how many of those resolutions or goals are actually being met?

Are we setting ourselves up for failure by taking on too much in January, resulting in burnout and ultimately failure by June?

What if you can increase your chances of success in 2023 with just three simple steps?

Rest. Reflection. Rejuvenation. 

We just came out of the most magical, exciting, yet stressful time of the year, so it only makes sense that our bodies and minds need some rest. Adding extra tasks to your list when you’re already run down will only make you less motivated and hinder any progress you’ve already made.

Being intentional with your rest, whether it’s relaxing in the evening or taking breaks throughout the day, can help keep your energy and creativity levels up while keeping you sharp and motivated.

Reflection is an important step if you don’t want to find yourself repeating the same resolutions year after year. Take stock of your progress over the last 12 months, identify areas for improvement, and don’t forget to celebrate your wins no matter how small.

Rejuvenation does go hand in hand with rest but the two are not synonymous. Give yourself the time necessary to recuperate both your physical and mental strength that may have been tested over the past year. Investing this time in yourself will help you recharge, reduce stress, and gain clarity.

It may also help you maintain a healthy work-home balance that will ultimately improve your overall quality of life.


So remember, starting the new year off with rest, reflection, and rejuvenation can be a great way to start the year off right and stay in it for the long haul.


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